24 Hour Courier Service

Good customer service is important for a courier company

Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, November 29, 2016 Under: Motorcycle Couriers
With any courier company, giving a high standard of customer service is a must. In the long run you get more business, returning customers, and it's a vital part of being a professional courier company. If you offer bad customer service you won't be in business for very long.


Respond as quickly as possible

One of the biggest factors in good customer service is speed, especially when a customer is requesting a consignment to be delivered that is time sensitive. Sorting the requirements out on the telephone as quickly as possible is the first stage. Stage two - Arriving at the pick up point as quickly as possible. Stage three - Delivering the consignment within the time frame. Stage 4 - Letting the client know their consignment has been delivered as soon as the delivery has been made.

As for requests by email. If possible and providing you are in the office, check emails every hour.
STELLA SERVICE conducted a response time report in 2011 and found that the average email response time for the top 100 internet companies was 17 hours. They reported that 41% of customers surveyed listed being put on hold as their biggest frustration. Make sure you don't leave customers waiting.  

Know your customers
Great interactions begin with knowing your customers wants and needs. Customers love personalisation. Get to know your customers, remember their names and previous conversations. If needed, make a note of what was discussed previously so you can refer to it the next time you talk.

Sorting out mistakes

Not taking responsibility for your mistakes is a sure fire way of getting a bad reputation. Transparency is important in business and customer service is no different. Always strive for a high quality output as it shows you have a high level of standards.

Going the extra mile

Going the extra mile will not only result in an indebted and happy customer, it can also go a long way in terms of keeping yourself on the radar for future business.

Think long term - A customer is for life

Think long term when dealing with customers. By keeping customers happy, they will be loyal and through word of mouth, will do the marketing for you. In fact, according to a survey, a satisfied customer tells a least three friends ( whereas an angry customer tells 3,000 ).

How important is it to deliver an excellent service ?

Customer service has an impact on both existing customers and potential customers. A recent survey found that 68% of customers would react by telling family and friends about a bad experience by posting it on a social network. And as each Facebook profile has an average of 229 friends, the reach of this experience can quickly reach thousands.

Business should be built around how to deliver excellent customer service. It's easy to forget how important it is when you are building your brand's web presence and marketing your website. 

In : Motorcycle Couriers 

Tags: customer service  customer care  motorcycle couriers  motorbike courier service   
