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Motorcycle Safety Tips (Part Two)

Posted by Howard Trott on Sunday, March 19, 2017 Under: Motorcycle Safety
Look Twice

This tip is more for drivers than bikers, but it's so important that it's worth mentioning here: Look for motorcycles. Motorcycles are small and tough to see. That means many drivers miss them, causing collisions that are often fatal to the motorcycle rider.

Keep your eyes and ears open for motorcycles. Lots of bikes have loud exhaust systems specifically to draw drivers' attention. Use that to your advantage. But you still need to look out for quiet bikes. Look twice before changing lanes, and always check your blind spot. A bike may be there. Also, before pulling into traffic, look for motorcycles. They're harder to spot than cars, but taking an extra second to look could save someone's life.

For riders, look twice is still a good rule to follow. Never assume that a driver sees you. Ride defensively and take responsibility for staying safe around cars.

In : Motorcycle Safety 

Tags: motorcycle safety  motorbike  motorbike safety tips   
