All of us at Spartan Motorcycle Couriers are advanced motorcycle riders. We are qualified motorcycle trainers, so in the near future will be running CBT ( Compulsory Basic Training ) courses, DAS ( Direct Access Scheme ) courses, and a post test training course to sharpen and enhance your riding skills.

Our experience and knowledge is second to none and along with fantastic tuition, you can pass your motorcycle tests with sustainable life skills, greater safety and genuine road-craft. We will be making the courses as enjoyable as possible and will go out of our way to put the most nervous person at ease and give them the confidence to pass first time.
With us, you can become the complete motorcycle rider. We will pass on our extensive knowledge to you and give you the opportunity to learn to ride the right way, which will give you the confidence needed to ride on our busy roads.

We won't be running many courses due to the limited time we have available, so the ones we will be running are going to be of high quality and will also cover basic motorcycle maintenance as a bonus.
At this present time we are not sure when the courses will start. There will be a page on this site dedicated to the training we will be providing. Including dates, times and cost. I will also be posting information on this motorcycle blog nearer the time.