Proof of delivery
Posted by Mark Parker on Saturday, February 2, 2019 Under: Motorcycle Couriers
When you delivery something with a courier company, there are certain services that you should expect to receive as part of their services. While the exact service offerings may differ from company to company, there are some industry standards that you should expect to be met. One of those that you should certainly insist upon is the ability to request that your courier service send you a proof of delivery notification after your shipment has been completed.

The way a real time proof of delivery works is via email. Once your delivery is completed, the courier company can set it up so that you quickly get an email that contains all of the relevant information about your shipment and proof that it has been delivered successful. That proof can include a signature capture. Couriers now routinely carry electronic devices that have the ability to capture the signature of the recipients of packages, and the file containing an image of that signature can be included in your notification.
This signature capture is something that more and more clients have been demanding of their courier companies. When you're shipping something that is extremely valuable, it is very important to make sure that you have legal proof that it was delivered into the correct hands. That way, you have evidence should there ever be any dispute about the delivery of the item at some point in time in the future.
These devices which captures signatures have pretty much been accepted as the standard that all professionals in the courier industry should be adhering to. When it becomes clear that a courier company has not been doing so, and is lagging behind in the technology that their competitors are adopting, you should really question if they are a company that is worth doing business with.
You should always expect and demand the best that the courier industry has to offer. This means doing business with those firms that can offer you the latest and the most useful in courier technology. Proof of delivery notifications are certainly something that falls into this category, even more than other features. GPS tracking is reassuring, but rarely something that you will need to refer back to at a later date. Getting a proof of delivery sent to you though, is something that you can use to prove that the package was delivered and accepted as agreed to in the original shipping agreement should that prove necessary.
In : Motorcycle Couriers
Tags: same day delivery hale