Riding a motorcycle on motorways ( part one )
Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, July 12, 2016 Under: Motorcycle Riding Skills
You must make sure your motorcycle is safe and in good working order. Motorways must not be used by - pedestrians - cyclists - horse riders - holders of provisional car and motorcycle licences.

In addition the following vehicles must not be used on a motorway - motorcycles under 50cc - certain slow moving vehicles with oversized loads, except with special permission - most invalid carriages - agricultural vehicles. Due to the demanding nature of motorways, make sure that - you have a thorough knowledge of the sections of the Highway Code, dealing with motorways - you know and understand the motorway warning signs and signals - you feel fit and alert to ride your motorcycle. Never use the motorway if you feel tired or unwell - you never park except at service areas. If you need to rest, you'll sometimes have to travel long distances before an exit or service area. Remember, it's an offence to stop on the hard shoulder, an exit or a slip road unless in an emergency.
Being seen on a motorway
Because of the high speeds, it's important that you can be seen easily by other drivers. Wear high-visibility clothing and ride with your headlamp on dipped beam.

The motorcycle on the motorway
High speeds and long distances increase the risk of mechanical failure. You should carry out the following checks - tyres - they must be in good condition and with the correct pressure. Follow the guidance given in the owner's handbook which often tells you the different pressures to be used when carrying a passenger or load. - instruments - make sure there are no faults - warning lights - make sure they are clean and correctly positioned - lights and indicators - make sure they all work correctly.
Also make sure that - your brakes can stop you safely - your steering is in good order. For safety, convenience and good vehicle care you should also check the following items - fuel - make sure you have enough fuel to avoid running out between service areas - oil - high speeds may mean your engine uses more oil - water - (liquid cooled engines) higher speeds can mean a warmer engine, especially in traffic tailbacks in hot weather.
Make sure any load is secure
Check that everything carried on your motorcycle or trailer is safe and secure. If anything should fall from your motorcycle or from another vehicle, stop on the hard shoulder and use the emergency telephone to inform the police. Never try to retrieve it yourself.
Motorway signs and signals
Leading to the motorway - direction signs from ordinary roads to the motorway have white lettering on a blue panel, often bordered in white. These signs may - stand alone - be included in other larger signs of various colours.
On the motorway - you may find the following types of sign on the motorway - advance direction signs - countdown markers - signs giving information about service areas - signs with a brown background indicating tourist attractions which can be reached by leaving at the next exit.
All these signs are very much larger than those on ordinary roads because you need to be able to see them from a distance. This is a good reminder that you must leave more room for all manoeuvres on motorways. Each junction has an identifying number which corresponds with current road maps, to help you plan your route and know where you need to leave the motorway.

In addition the following vehicles must not be used on a motorway - motorcycles under 50cc - certain slow moving vehicles with oversized loads, except with special permission - most invalid carriages - agricultural vehicles. Due to the demanding nature of motorways, make sure that - you have a thorough knowledge of the sections of the Highway Code, dealing with motorways - you know and understand the motorway warning signs and signals - you feel fit and alert to ride your motorcycle. Never use the motorway if you feel tired or unwell - you never park except at service areas. If you need to rest, you'll sometimes have to travel long distances before an exit or service area. Remember, it's an offence to stop on the hard shoulder, an exit or a slip road unless in an emergency.
Being seen on a motorway
Because of the high speeds, it's important that you can be seen easily by other drivers. Wear high-visibility clothing and ride with your headlamp on dipped beam.

The motorcycle on the motorway
High speeds and long distances increase the risk of mechanical failure. You should carry out the following checks - tyres - they must be in good condition and with the correct pressure. Follow the guidance given in the owner's handbook which often tells you the different pressures to be used when carrying a passenger or load. - instruments - make sure there are no faults - warning lights - make sure they are clean and correctly positioned - lights and indicators - make sure they all work correctly.
Also make sure that - your brakes can stop you safely - your steering is in good order. For safety, convenience and good vehicle care you should also check the following items - fuel - make sure you have enough fuel to avoid running out between service areas - oil - high speeds may mean your engine uses more oil - water - (liquid cooled engines) higher speeds can mean a warmer engine, especially in traffic tailbacks in hot weather.
Make sure any load is secure
Check that everything carried on your motorcycle or trailer is safe and secure. If anything should fall from your motorcycle or from another vehicle, stop on the hard shoulder and use the emergency telephone to inform the police. Never try to retrieve it yourself.
Motorway signs and signals
Leading to the motorway - direction signs from ordinary roads to the motorway have white lettering on a blue panel, often bordered in white. These signs may - stand alone - be included in other larger signs of various colours.
On the motorway - you may find the following types of sign on the motorway - advance direction signs - countdown markers - signs giving information about service areas - signs with a brown background indicating tourist attractions which can be reached by leaving at the next exit.
All these signs are very much larger than those on ordinary roads because you need to be able to see them from a distance. This is a good reminder that you must leave more room for all manoeuvres on motorways. Each junction has an identifying number which corresponds with current road maps, to help you plan your route and know where you need to leave the motorway.
Tags: motorway riding motorcycle skills motorbike riding skills