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Riding your motorcycle in bad weather ( part one )

Posted by Howard Trott on Monday, October 24, 2016 Under: Motorcycle Riding Skills
The weather in the British Isles is varied and uncertain. You can expect to encounter virtually all weather conditions at some time. The weather presents particular hazards for the motorcyclist.

You need to think about how you're going to - protect yourself from the elements - adapt your riding to suit the conditions.

Your motorcycle

Whatever the weather, make sure your motorcycle is in good condition and regularly checked and serviced. Contending with the elements can be difficult but having to contend with a poorly performing motorcycle at the same time is an extra difficulty you should avoid.


Be prepared: Don't wait until the bad weather before checking your tyres. Check for - tread depth pressure - objects stuck in the tyre - cuts or damage. Your safety could depend on a few millimetres of rubber which should have been there. Incorrect tyre pressures can cause - loss of stability - reduced grip - increased wear.


Keep your brakes in good condition. Wet weather will increase your stopping distance even with perfect brakes.


Motorcycle electrical systems are exposed to the elements. Damp or wet affecting your ignition systems can cause - starting problems - the engine to misfire. A misfiring engine will cause loss of power and may stop running altogether.

In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 

Tags: motorbike riding skills  riding in bad weather  motorcycle riding   
