For people all across the country, the enjoyment and excitement of motorcycle riding far outweighs the dangers it presents. Because these individuals seek the thrill of riding in the open air, safety is not always their priority. However, with almost 13% of all fatal vehicle accidents involving motorcycles, it is important that motorcycle riders learn to enjoy themselves while being safe.

Even motorcycle accidents that occur at 30 mph can be paralyzing or deadly. The majority of these severe injuries are due to the rider not wearing the proper head protection. Wearing a helmet can decrease the risk of death by 37% in the event of an accident. Unfortunately, just wearing a helmet does not always protect the head from injuries. It is important to learn how to wear a motorcycle helmet properly. Many people make the mistake of buying a helmet without getting it properly fitted to their head. This may make the helmet ineffective in a motorcycle collision.
Many drivers assume that their safe driving prevents them from having to wear a helmet. However, many motorcycle accidents are caused by the negligence of other drivers. Unfortunately, there is little that a motorcycle rider can do to protect him or herself from the dangerous or negligent actions of another motorist. The only things that a motorcyclist can control are his or her own actions and precautions.
Motorcyclists often cause accidents due to their desire to "show-off" their motorcycle skills. Although these "tricks" may be appropriate in special tournaments, they have no place on the roads. Motorcyclists who do engage in these activities put themselves and those around them on the road in serious danger.