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Defensive motorcycle riding ( part three )

Posted by Howard Trott on Friday, June 17, 2016, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
Lighting conditions

In the dark, seeing hazards is more difficult. The clues are there, but you have to pick them out. Look for illuminated road signs, reflectors between white lines, the glow of vehicle headlights on buildings, trees and hedges indicating bends and junctions.

In the dark, it can be difficult to judge distances and speed from headlights, headlights on vehicles make it difficult to see pedestrians, cyclists and any vehicle with dim lights. Don't let shop and advertising lights d...
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Defensive motorcycle riding ( part two )

Posted by Howard Trott on Wednesday, May 25, 2016, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
Approaching green traffic lights

Ask yourself - how long have they been on green ? - are there many vehicles already waiting at either side of the junction ? ( if there's a queue, the lights are probably about to change ) - do I have time to stop ? - can the vehicle behind me stop ? - if it's a large goods vehicle, it might need a greater distance to pull up.


Try to beat the traffic signals by accelerating or leave it until the last moment to brake - harsh braking causes skids.


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Defensive motorcycle riding ( part one )

Posted by Howard Trott on Thursday, April 28, 2016, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
Defensive motorcycle riding is based on effective observation, good anticipation and control. It's about always questioning the actions of other road users and being prepared for the unexpected, so as not to be taken by surprise. Defensive motorcycle riding involves - awareness - planning - anticipating - staying in control and riding with - responsibility - care - consideration and courtesy. It means putting safety above all else. It's about having real concern, not only for your own safety,...
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