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Showing Tag: "drivers" (Show all posts)

Don't text while driving

Posted by Martin Ford on Friday, October 5, 2018, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
When you have an urgent need to send a text message while you're driving courier loads around the UK, you may wish you worked in another country. As a professional driver who earns their living from delivering packages across your region, you will naturally understand (and comply with) the UK's laws about texting and driving - basically don't! But do you know what happens abroad?

Differing laws around the globe

In the UK, almost everyone understands that it's illegal to use a hand-held mobile p...

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Advice for new courier drivers

Posted by Martin Ford on Monday, October 1, 2018, In : Courier Work 
Working as an owner-driver in the delivery industry is the ideal job for many people. If you love driving and being out on the road, being a courier driver can provide you with a great deal of freedom and the opportunity for great financial rewards. However, getting started on your own can certainly have its challenges. Here are some tips to help set you on the right path to success in the delivery industry.

Sort Out the Basics

You will need a number of things to get started in the courier indu...

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