24 Hour Courier Service

Transportation Of Jewellery And Coins

Posted by Howard Trott on Thursday, December 26, 2013 Under: Motorcycle Couriers
Transportation Of Jewellery / Coins From Manchester To Birmingham. Tuesday 24th December.
Had a call from a lady who wanted items of jewellery and collectors coins picking up from a Jewellers in Manchester and brought to her home in Birmingham. The items were expensive and she didn't want to use a conventional courier so called us. One item in particular had been custom made and was only just finished.

Once payment had been made she emailed the relevant information and attachments through to us which included pictures of the items to be picked up. With being christmas eve the items had to be picked up and delivered the same day. Some people do spend rather alot of money on christmas presents and this lady was no exception, but I suppose its only once a year.

Got my gear together got on my motorcycle and off I set. The motorway was pretty clear on the way to Manchester until I hit the M602 just outside. That's the big advantage of delivery consignments by motorcycle rather than a van, if I was driving a van I would of had to join the queue of vehicles but on a motorcycle I cut through the middle of the traffic like a hot knife through butter. Even when I got to Deansgate where the traffic was at a stand still I still managed to squeeze through.

Arrived at the pick up point and faced my next challenge, finding somewhere to park. Rode around until I found a back alley which was ideal, park up and walked back towards the Jewellers. Noticed that the street was full of parking metres and two Traffic Wardens were on either side checking them. Got to the Jewellers and made my way to the counter, told the lady behind the counter why I was there and handed her my copy of the relevant paperwork. She smiled and went in the back, she came back out with an elderly gent in tow who I guessed was the Jeweller. He showed me the items before putting them in a small hand crafted box, then wrapped the box securely before handing me the small parcel. Gave me my paperwork back and asked me to sign for the parcel. I then locked the parcel away, wished them both a merry christmas and walked back to the bike.

On my way back to the bike I noticed one of the Traffic Wardens writing a ticket, thought to myself that someone was going to have an early unwanted christmas present. Got back on my motorcycle and off I rode towards Birmingham. The roads were just as bad going out of Manchester and was glad to get back on the motorway. The journey to Birmingham was straight forward, ran into the usual motorway traffic but cut through it like it wasn't there. Luckily enough the delivery destination was on the outskirts of Birmingham so didn't have to ride through the centre.

Arrived at the delivery destination, parked up on the road outside the house, walked through the front gate and rang the door bell. A lady answered, I told her who I was and she asked me in. Showed me her photo ID then I gave her the parcel which she opened, checked the items then signed for them. I wished her a merry christmas then got back on my motorcycle, opened up the throttle on the way home and was soon sitting down in the warm drinking a hot mug of tea. If only every delivery was as straight forward as this one, but on the other hand if they were the job wouldn't be as much fun.      

In : Motorcycle Couriers 

Tags: motorcycle couriers  motorbike courier  same day delivery  valuables courier  jewellery couriers   
