Women and Motorcycles
Posted by Kathryn Windmill on Wednesday, March 13, 2019 Under: Guest Motorcycle Articles
When you think about people who ride motorcycles what do you think about? Long hair, long beards, and leather? Do you think about macho men hanging out in dive bars playing pool and drinking beer? These are typically the images that are portrayed to us as your typical biker. However, people from all walks of life, race, and even sex encompass motorcycle riders. That is right guys; women can also be avid motorcycle riders. For those women that chose to be part of the motorcycle culture it is equally a love for the bike for them. Is there anything that differs for them though? The gear is slightly tighter, but is there a difference anywhere else? This article will look at women bikers and give you a better understanding of their love for the bikes.

Women are gaining momentum in the motorcycle world and currently there are over 265,000 registered women motorcycle owners. More and more it is becoming a more integrated hobby. Not only are enthusiasts branching out and accepting women into their male dominated culture, bike manufacturing companies are now seeing the need to furnish bikes more geared toward a woman rider. Harley Davidson is one of the leading bike manufactures making it easier for women to handle a bike themselves. They have redesigned their Sportsters with women's needs in mind. They have lowered the seat and worked with the center of balance. There are also things that a woman can add to make her bike more comfortable like having forward controls put on.
Now that you have thought about pursuing your passion for bikes and have found the perfect bike for you, it is time to think about your social network. While some love to ride by themselves and take in the scenery alone, many people prefer to travel in groups. Since the number of women bikers is relatively small now, you might consider joining a motorcycle club or organization. There are many notional and local clubs that women can join. They will keep you up to date on any new changes in the bike world along with allowing you to grow your social network. Go on, try a group.
Safety is also something that women need to take seriously on a bike. The Women's Motorsport Foundation was created to help educate and mentor women in the biker world. They hope to inspire women both in motorcycling and in motorsports. Both of these have lower female members and they want to make sure to empower everyone to pursue their dreams.
In : Guest Motorcycle Articles
Tags: women on motorcycles warrington